Braille Challenge Staff Recognition

Adrian holding a Braille Challenge t-shirt standing next to Angela holding a nonagon plaque.

Adrian holding a Braille Challenge t-shirt standing next to Angela holding a nonagon plaque.

Congratulations to Angela Martyn, California School for the Blind Principal of Education, and recipient of the 2022 Braille Challenge Outstanding Teacher of the Visually Impaired Award for her commitment to braille literacy and support of the Braille Challenge. The award is a beautifully engraved glass nonagon (that's 9-sides - could have been an octagon but has an extra side to stand on) with the Braille Challenge and Braille Institute Logos and the words "Braille Challenge" and "Braille Institute" followed by "Angela Martyn - Recognized as an Outstanding Teacher of the Visually Impaired for her commitment to braille literacy and support of the Braille Challenge."

Angela has devoted her professional career to advancing the educational opportunities of blind and low vision students in all areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum. During her time at the Orientation Center for the Blind, Contra Costa County Office of Education, and the California School for the Blind, Angela has championed braille literacy and access to braille.

The 2022 NorCal Regional Braille Challenge was hosted by the Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired at the San Jose Vista Center campus; the event was co-hosted by the San Francisco Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the California School for the Blind.

Congratulations Angela! CSB is fortunate to have you on our team.