Ann and Friends - Bossy

A calf story and questions for Beginning Braille Readers by Ann Gelles.

11. Bossy

Bossy is a baby calf.

Bossy is five days old.

Bossy has no mother.

Bossy's mother is not alive.

Dad got Bossy at a cattle sale.

Bossy lives with us.

We hope Bossy will not die.

Paul gives Bossy special milk six times a day.

Bossy slurps milk from a pail with a big nipple.

Bossy is always hungry.

Bossy gets Paul up at five o'clock every day.

Bossy will moo, and moo, and moo until Paul gets up.

Bossy is too noisy.

People do not like that!

They hope Bossy will move someplace else.

Bossy goes every place Paul goes.

Bossy will eat grass someday.

Paul is happy about that.

Then Bossy will not wake him up for milk.

Bossy Questions

  1. Who is Bossy?
    (a calf)
  2. What is a calf?
    (a baby cow)
  3. Why does Paul need to feed Bossy?
    (Bossy has no mother and needs milk.)
  4. How many times a day does Paul feed Bossy?
    (six times)
  5. Where does Bossy live?
    (Ann's backyard)
  6. Where did Ann's family get Bossy?
    (at a cattle sale)
  7. How does Bossy get her food in the morning?
    (She moos and moos until Paul gets up to feed her at 5 o'clock.)
  8. What is our hope?
    (We hope Bossy will not die because she has no mother.)
  9. Why will the neighbors be happy when Bossy can eat grass?
    (She can move to a farm and then they won't have to hear all the noise she makes.)
  10. Why will Paul be happy when Bossy is older?
    (He won't have to get up to feed her every day.)
  11. How old is Bossy?
    (five days old)
  12. How does Bossy drink?
    (She drinks from a pail with a big nipple.)

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