
The Vocation Program provides each student with the opportunity to explore their career potential by engaging in a variety of on and off campus work preparedness programs. Our unique job training program equips students with the knowledge and practical experience to be successful in the workplace.

CSB Vocational Pathways

Students served in the CSB Vocational Program acquire:

  • Different vocational experiences, volunteer and paid
  • Understanding of work skills: communication, self-motivation, leadership, responsibility, teamwork, problem solving, decisiveness, time management, flexibility
  • Work stamina
  • Communications skills
  • Interview and resume skills
  • Understanding the relationship between wages and benefits from paid work

Careers Education

Students participate in regular Career Awareness. In the class, the following topics are discussed:

  • Soft skills (Social and work specific conversational skills, Listening/responding/being attentive, Cooperation and showing a desire to learn, Respectful to coworkers and supervisors
  • Communication skills
  • Time management
  • Interview technique
  • Resume and personal data sheet development
  • Work appropriate behavior
  • Work appropriate hygiene and grooming
  • Self-advocacy and job exploration