Screen Reader Training

The California School for the Blind (CSB) Assistive Technology (AT) Staff has developed a website devoted to helping parents, teachers, and users of screen readers learn how to operate computers, smart phones, and tablets with a variety of screen reader applications. This website is intentionally inaccessible, so students can learn to navigate the inaccessible content they often encounter on websites not designed with web accessibility in mind.

CSB Screen Reader Training Website External link opens in new window or tab.

We are excited to announce the launch of CSB's screen reader Training (SRT) website! This is a space that currently consists of courses for Voiceover for Mac, IOS, JAWS and NVDA for Windows, and ChromeVox for ChromeBook. Courses lay out clearly defined goals and objectives that progress through a series of scaffolded lessons. And once a course is completed, what better place to practice and refine these newly developed screen reader skills than in our Games Portal!

Students often get scheduled, structured lessons that they don't feel are meaningful, interactive, or engaging. We as professionals know how important it is for them, so we took a different approach!

Interested in offering feedback or suggestions for current and upcoming content? Submit your comments through the contact links found at the beginning of each course.

Happy Learning!


Allison Mello

Crystal Hurst

Max Avendano

Vanessa Herndon

For information about Web Accessibility Content Guidelines (WCAG), visit the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) External link opens in new window or tab..